Learn Greek dancing-says Archaeologous-Thousands take seminars each year
Everyone can visualize Zorba the Greek, actually Anthony Quinn from Mexico, doing a Greek dance full of "kefi" (the zest for life). Well, if you ever wanted to let your inner Greek out, this might be what you are looking for. Perfect choice if you are vacationing in Greece, Archaeologous.com can help you arrange it.
Did you know that thousands of people take part in dance seminars around Greece every year. At the Dora Stratou Theater, founded in l953 by Ms. Stratou, the daughter of a Prime Minster, along with financial assistant from the Ministry of Culture and the Greek Tourism Org. Initial when it was started, the vision was to document every form of Greek dance... and there are hundreds. The dance school is still in operation yearly teaching more than dance. The students can take embroidery, research, history of dance etc.. There are many students that come from all over the world to have a "dance vacation".
The school itself has around 500 students and 50 dance troupes in the world. There are over 4,000 troupes in Greece itself and another thousand Greek dance troupes abroad. "
So if you are interested contact www.grdance.org.