
Istanbul Whirling Dervish Show

Entry fees

Ages Price
0 - 6 Entry not allowed
7 - Adult €38


  • Groups of maximum 46 people
  • Minimum age: 7
A rare sight in Istanbul, Turkey
  • There is a centuries-old theological school, the Hodjapasha Cultural Center in the center of Istanbul. Here, you and your group will be privy to a Whirling Dervish one-hour show which is quite the spiritual experience for them, and may you as well. 
First, there will be Sufi tranquil music to set the mood, a prayer, and then the Whirling Dervishes enter. 
If interested you will learn about these century-old traditions of the Mevievi order which was established by the popular medieval poet Rumi. The Mevievi order is a UNESCO heritage of Humanity sight.