
Boutari Winery

Entry fees

Ages Price
0 - 16 Free
17 - Adult €6

Boutari Winery

This private guided Archaeologous day tour of the Boutari Winery is a great way to learn aout the way famed Santorini wines are made. Boutari has been producing their strong, unique, and distinct tasting wines since 1989. One of the claims to fame is the amazing view of the caldera. Many weddings take place here just for the sheer beauty. The tour includes a look at the winery's grounds, an in-depth look at the wine-making process and of course, the favorite part of the tour, some wine tasting.   

FYI: Wines from Santorini, due to the rugged terrain of ancient volcanic subsoil and no rain, are considered "treasures" by some sommeliers of the world.