Most helpful Turkish words of the month-June
Most people travel to turkey in the spring, summer and fall months. So here are some Turkish words I've found helpful to better enjoy your vacation.
Month = ay (AH-yee) *** Year = sene, yil ( SEH-neh, YUHL )
April = Nisan (nee-SAHN) *** May = Mayis (mah-YUSS) *** June = Haziran (HAH=zee-RAHN)*** July = themmuz (the-MOOZ) *
August = Agustos (AH-oo-Stohss) *** September =Evlul (ehy-LEWL)
Day, daily = gün, hergün (GURN, HEHR-gurn) *** Today = bugün (BOO-gurn)
Tomorrow = yarın (YAHR-uhn) *** Week = hafta (hahf-TAH) ***
**WHERE IS THE....._______ ? = nerede? (NEH-reh-deh )
*Railway station = Gar/istasyon (GAHR, ees-tah-SYOHN)
*Bus station = Otogar (OH-toh-gahr)
*Cheap hotel = Ucuz bir otel (oo-JOOZ beer oh-TEHL)
*Toilet = Tuvalet (too-vah-LEHT)
* Restaurant = Lokanta (loh-KAHN-tah )
* Post office = Postane, PTT (POHSS-tah-neh, peh-teh-TEH )
* Room = Oda (OH-dah)
* Bath = Banyo (BAHN-yo)